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L’invenzione del crimine di camminata per strada

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Un articolo di Vox ricorda come i padroni della strada, prima dell’invenzione dell’automobile, fossero ovviamente i pedoni. Le strisce non esistevano o non servivano.

Con l’arrivo delle auto le cose cambiano e i pedoni che non rimangono sui marciapiedi vengono criminalizzati.

Today, if there’s traffic in the area and you want to follow the law, you need to find a crosswalk. And if there’s a traffic light, you need to wait for it to change to green.

Fail to do so, and you’re committing a crime: jaywalking. In some cities — Los Angeles, for instance — police ticket tens of thousands of pedestrians annually for jaywalking, with fines of up to $250.

To most people, this seems part of the basic nature of roads. But it’s actually the result of an aggressive, forgotten 1920s campaign led by auto groups and manufacturers that redefined who owned the city streets.

Immagine da Flickr.

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