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L’uso di armi chimiche durante la guerra di Corea [EN]

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A cura di @Rula (modificato).

Su Medium Jeffrey Kaye riassume e discute Il report ufficiale con cui furono investigati presunti casi di utilizzo di armi chimiche in Corea, recentemente reso disponibile, evidenziando l’impiego non solo di napalm, ma anche di armi batteriologiche lanciate con vettori non convenzionali quali insetti, piume, foglie.

The charges of U.S. use of biological warfare during the Korean War have long been the subject of intense controversy. The reliance, in part, on testimony from U.S. prisoners of war led to U.S. charges of “brainwashing.” These charges later became the basis of a cover story for covert CIA experimentation into use of use of drugs and other forms of coercive interrogation and torture that became the basis for its 1963 KUBARK manual on interrogation, and much later, a powerful influence on the CIA’s post-9/11 “enhanced interrogation” program.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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