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“Non angosciate uomini innocenti”. Sentenza della Corte Suprema Indiana tenta di mettere fine alle false accuse di stupro [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Il Guardian commenta la recente sentenza della corte suprema indiana che ha assolto un uomo accusato di stupro dalla fidanzata perché non l’aveva voluta sposare nonostante le promesse di matrimonio.

Le denunce di questo tipo sono diventate abbastanza numerose, e i tribunali indiani hanno finora sentenziato in modi diversi.

Something strange is going on in India. Women are becoming more educated and confident. Pre-marital sex is on the rise… But at the same time, so are the number of women alleging rape on false promise of marriage. In many cases, false rape accusations are simply the result of parents covering up the “shame” of an unmarried daughter having sex. By their logic, saying a daughter has been raped is preferable to people thinking she is sexually active.
For feminist lawyers like Misra, the subject is fraught with problems. They realise that such cases reflect the premium put on a woman’s chastity by a very patriarchal society – no unmarried woman can be seen to be sexually active outside marriage – but oppose the abuse of rape laws.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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