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Non colpevolizzate l’Islam [EN]

64 commenti

Su suggerimento di @sfrj.

Dopo la liberazione di Kobane (di cui abbiamo parlato oggi), ecco un articolo più di approfondimento sull’Isis. Secondo David Mizner Al Qaeda e l’IS sono in primis un prodotto dell’imperialismo americano e saudita. L’articolo è pubblicato sul trimestrale americano Jacobin, espressione dell’intelligencija di sinistra statunitense.

Milne offers a familiar take: the West inflicts enormous violence on people in the Middle East, and — as Ward Churchill once put it — “some people push back.” This is true. Many of those who’ve carried out attacks in Western capitals in the name of Islam — from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square bomber — cite the West’s violence as their motive. Their explanations jibe not only with common sense but with the research of University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape, who found that by far the most significant cause of suicide bombing across the world is foreign occupation.

Furthermore, only a tiny fraction of Muslims have joined right-wing jihadist groups. Attempting to bolster his claim that Islam is inherently violent, Bill Maher cites (selective) stats showing many Muslims hold retrograde views on women and gays, but this is a non-sequitur. Holding such views almost never translates into al-Qaeda–ISIS membership.


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