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Super Seducer è il gioco che ci meritiamo ma non quello di cui abbiamo bisogno [EN+IT]

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A cura di @Unit (modificato).

Super Seducer è un gioco di simulazione di appuntamenti e scenari da seduzione creato dal dating coach Richard La Ruina.

Il gameplay consiste in una serie di livelli con diversi soggetti di sesso femminile in diversi contesti che il giocatore, interpretato da Ruina stesso, dovrà riuscire a sedurre. L’obiettivo secondo il creatore è aiutare i maschi timidi e socialmente impediti ad approcciarsi all’altro sesso

Un articolo su The verge lo critica per l’umorismo di cattivo gusto e per promomuovere comportamenti molesti e abusivi.

In a typical scene from the game Super Seducer, the player — presumably a straight man cruising for sex — encounters two women sitting on a blue velvet couch, catching up over a glass of wine. Your goal is to find the best way to infiltrate their conversation. If you try to leave them alone to enjoy their evening, the game chastises you until you successfully breach their bubble. When one of the women, a blonde with perfectly curled hair and a sapphire dress, informs you that she has a boyfriend, you aren’t deterred. You can’t be, since the entire point of the game is to seduce every woman you meet, regardless of her comfort level. You press forward.

You’re given several different options for how to proceed, but the “correct” one, according to Super Seducer, is to ask the woman if she’s going to marry her boyfriend, and later if he would mind if he found out she’d talked to you. Once you select this option, the game cuts to a video of a bearded man sitting on a bed with two scantily clad women lounging wordlessly beside him. This is Super Seducer’s creator, Richard La Ruina, and he tells you you’ve chosen wisely.

“This works psychologically because you’re taking away her independence,” he says, smirking. “You’re saying, ‘Well, would he allow you to talk to me? Are you allowed to do that?’” Naturally, he continues, she’ll want to push back on this and assert that she’s allowed to do as she pleases. In essence, he’s advising you to make a woman feel like she’s in control, while manipulating her into giving you exactly what you want.”

Il canale Youtube Parliamo di Videogiochi esprime un opinione più positiva pur tenendo un approccio goliardico all’interno della serie di recensioni Giochi di pessimo gusto.

Immagine da Pexels.

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