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Taleb su razionalità, scienza e scelte [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Guglielma Bon.

Un altro capitolo del libro in itinere Skin of the Game del filosofo e matematico libanese Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Come approcciarsi razionalmente alla razionalità”, di cui parla questo articolo su Medium.

Science is currently too incomplete to provide all answers –and says it itself. We have been so much under assault by vendors using “science” to sell products that many people, in their mind, confuse science and scientism. Science is mainly rigor.

So when we look at religion and, to some extent ancestral superstitions, we should consider what purpose they serve, rather than focusing on the notion of “belief”, epistemic belief in its strict scientific definition. In science, belief is literal belief; it is right or wrong, never metaphorical. In real life, belief is an instrument to do things, not the end product.


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