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Una nuova arca: cosa possono insegnarci gli arabi delle paludi sull’alluvione di Noé [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @tonzapatonza.

Nicolas Pelham parla su Lapham’s Quarterly della sua visita alle paludi dell’Iraq meridionale, raccontandone sviluppi contemporanei e suggestioni biblico-coraniche.

The return of the marshlands after a century of planned and unplanned desiccation is like Noah’s flood in reverse. Ever since the 1970s, Turkey and Syria had dammed the Euphrates River and its tributaries, curtailing the annual deluge that cooled and enriched Iraq’s flatlands with water and silt from Anatolia’s snowcapped mountains. Formerly fast-flowing waters slowed to a trickle, or on occasion stopped altogether. Fields lost their fecundity and turned to crust. The Middle East’s largest wetlands shrank and dried.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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