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Violenze sessuali nei campo di concentramento

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In un articolo per il sito Forward, Marisa Fox-Bevilacqua spiega la difficoltà di raccontare le violenze sessuali che ebbero luogo durante la Shoah.

The reasons these stories remain hidden are complex. But one can’t ignore the simple fact that few women survivors have shared them.

My own mother denied being a Holocaust survivor. Her identity was forged through her experiences as a “freedom fighter” in the Israeli underground and army. Those were the stories she told me, the stories she was proud of.

And it’s no small wonder. What would she have gained by telling me that she and 5,000 other mainly teenage Jewish girls from Upper Silesia were trafficked as Nazi slaves to a remote town in Sudetenland, where they were imprisoned for more than four years?

Immagine da Flickr – Greger Ravik.

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