un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Perché il potere puccioso sta colonizzando il nostro mondo [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Anonimo.

Un articolo su Aeon parla del successo della pucciosità nella cultura contemporanea.

In such uncertain and uneasy times, and with so much injustice, hate and intolerance threatening the world, don’t we have more serious things to focus on than the escapades of that feline girl-figure Hello Kitty? Or Pokémon, the video-game franchise that’s hot again in 2019 with a major US and UK film release for its rodenty detective Pikachu, its YouTube trailer notching up more than 65 million hits and counting. Why the proliferation of emojis? Or the cute logos that adorn countless products, from computers and phones, to guns and food; from children’s toys and calendars, to condoms and contact lenses?

Immagine da Good Free Photos.

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