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Re Carlo criticato per la nomina di un medico favorevole all’omeopatia

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Il Guardian riporta la notizia che Carlo, re del Regno Unito, ha nominato un medico favorevole all’omeopatia come medico della Real Casa, anche se  non è il suo medico personale. Il suo compito è di gestire la salute della famiglia nei rapporti col parlamento e il governo.

La notizia non è stata accolta favorevolmente dai sostenitori della medicina scientifica, come Edzar Ernst:

We and others have shown that homeopathy is not an effective therapy, which has today become the accepted consensus. To me, this means its only legitimate place is in the history books of medicine.

La Casa Reale ha difeso la nomina, sostenendo che

his position is that complementary therapies can sit alongside conventional treatments, provided they are safe, appropriate and evidence based…

… As Prince of Wales, the king’s position on complementary therapies, integrated health and patient choice was well documented. In his own words: ‘Nor is it about rejecting conventional medicines in favour of other treatments: the term ‘complementary’ medicine means precisely what it says’



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