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La riforma della sanità USA – la proposta repubblicana [EN]

La riforma della sanità USA – la proposta repubblicana [EN]

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A cura di @Guglielma Bon.

Questo articolo di The Atlantic espone il piano repubblicano per modificare il cosidetto Obamacare (Affordable Care Act).

Si parla ovviamente di assicurazioni sanitarie e deducibilità ma anche di non coperture per interruzioni volontarie di gravidanza.

Critiche vengono mosse da entrambi i partiti, alcuni repubblicani la definiscono una versione light dell’Obamacare.

the general shape of the bill has been criticized from both sides even within Republican circles. Some, like the members of the more conservative Freedom Caucus in the House and Senator Rand Paul, have derided the tax credits as “Obamacare lite.” On the other side, some have blasted the idea of pulling Medicaid coverage away from sick, rural Americans who just became eligible under the ACA and enjoy their coverage. With the bill now public, it’s clear that while the framework does maintain some key Obamacare provisions, it also still would fundamentally reshape health policy—and reassign who reaps most of the benefits


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