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Le mezze misure non possono fermare il cambiamento climatico

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Su suggerimento di @er puma.

Secondo un articolo dell’Intercept, se un tempo il dibattito sul cambiamento climatico verteva sull’esistenza o meno di una variazione nelle temperature globali, ora la discussione sembra essersi spostata sugli effetti e l’estensione del cambiamento. Lo slittamento è particolarmente visibile se si va a vedere il diverso atteggiamento al riguardo ora tenuto dalle grandi multinazionali impegnate nella produzione di energia.

If carbon pricing and trading schemes really are part of neoliberals’ and the fossil fuel industry’s medium-term plan for addressing (or pretending to address) climate change, progressive lawmakers have been more than happy to play along. California Gov. Jerry Brown spent much of his time at COP23 championing his state’s freshly renewed cap-and-trade program — drafted in part by the state’s oil and gas lobby — as a model for state-level action in the Trump era. In Bonn, talk of market-based solutions on climate — unleashing private financing for renewables, letting the market whither away carbon-intensive coal plants, trading schemes — is ubiquitous, with a growing buzz around prospects for geo-engineering.

Immagine di Gellinger su Pixabay

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