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Non è solo Trump. Buona parte degli USA ha voltato le spalle all’Europa [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Un editoriale del Guardian critica l’idea che le difficoltà di rapporti tra USA ed Europa dipendono dalla persona dell’attuale presidente americano.

Anche nel caso che le prossime elezioni presidenziali fossero vinte da un centrista democratico,

Even then, the best we can hope for is “Obama minus”, not “Obama plus”. And remember that it was Barack Obama, not Trump, who first prioritised “nation-building at home”.

Anyone who experiences American airports, highways, trains or schools can easily understand why Americans would now want to focus more on improving them rather than airstrips and schools in Afghanistan or Iraq. America First is not just a Trump slogan. It is a national mood, to which even the most internationalist president would have to adapt.

Trump is awful, but in this respect, he is as much symptom as cause. The problem of transatlantic divergence was there before Trump, has underlying causes deeper than Trump, and will still be with us after Trump.

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