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25 anni di Doom [EN]

25 anni di Doom [EN]

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A cura di @ilnerd.

Techradar fa una panoramica sulla storia degli sparatutto in prima persona analizzando il ruolo svolto da Doom per definire il genere, a 25 anni dalla sua uscita.

It’s been so long since Doom first slipped into floppy disk drives the world over that there’s an entire generation of console and PC players out there who’ve never even heard of Doom, let alone played it.
And yet, despite its age, this dusty old relic lives on every shooter that’s come and gone since. Every single First Person Shooter that’s taken over the world – or failed miserably – can doff its cap to Id Software’s seminal piece of software.
Not many games can call themselves genuine milestones, but Doom can claim such a title with confidence. For its 25th anniversary, we look at how Doom helped change PC gaming forever.

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