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Di cosa parlano gli europei quando parlano di Brexit [EN]

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Su suggerimento di Emer

Il London Review of Books presenta alcuni resoconti sul dibattito intorno alla Brexit in diversi paesi europei: Belgio, Bulgaria, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Repubblica Ceca e Ungheria, Irlanda, Norvegia, Italia, Polonia, Portogallo, Svezia, Spagna.

In the UK things seem to be happening both very fast and very slowly, as if Brexit had created its own durée: every hour there are new crises, new declarations, new denunciations, and yet things are no further advanced than the day after the referendum. I found more preparation for Brexit on Zeebrugge port’s website than I’ve seen, read or heard from British politicians or (most of) the media. Zeebrugge will be ‘entirely Brexit-proof’, the port authority says. The view from Belgium is that the only place that isn’t Brexit-proof is Britain itself.

Immagine: RIviente


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