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Brexit e guerre commerciali: poche le opzione valide per la Gran Bretagna [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Giovanni

La Gran Bretagna ancora non può negoziare una propria posizione nel commercio internazionale, non essendo ancora uscita dalla UE. Quando lo sarà, la sua situazione, se gli USA continueranno con il loro protezionismo, rischia di essere scomoda.

The threat of a more protectionist United States creates more uncertainty in UK trade policy in what was already a point of maximum uncertainty. The UK alone is more vulnerable to the US using tariffs as leverage as it develops its own in terms of trade policy. While this might cause the UK to pursue a ‘softer’ Brexit with the EU, the fact that by surrendering its membership means it will no longer benefit from a coordinated response, means the UK will have few good options to respond to this new environment.

Immagine: Conolan

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