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Christopher Steele ritiene il suo rapporto su Trump e Russia corretto al 70-90% [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Giovanni.

Christopher Steele, ex agente dell’intelligence britannica famoso per aver compilato un discusso dossier sulle relazioni tra Donald Trump e la Russia, ha risposto ad alcune domande del giornalista del Guardian Luke Harding, che sta pubblicando un libro sulla vicenda, ribadendo la fondatezza del suo report:

“I’ve been dealing with this country for 30 years. Why would I invent this stuff?” Steele is quoted as saying. One of the reasons his dossier was taken seriously in Washington in 2016 was Steele’s reputation in the US for producing reliable reports on Russia, according to Harding’s book.

Immagine da Official Internet Resources of the President of Russia.

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