un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Come hanno potuto? [EN]

38 commenti

Su suggerimento di @GiMa.
Alcune persone sono senza pietà. Altre perdono il controllo. Nonostante tutto molta della violenza che vediamo rimane incomprensibile. Tage Rai, ricercatore della Northwestern University in Illinois prova ad offrire una nuova teoria in merito.

Across practices, across cultures, and throughout historical periods, when people support and engage in violence, their primary motivations are moral. By ‘moral’, I mean that people are violent because they feel they must be; because they feel that their violence is obligatory. They know that they are harming fully human beings. Nonetheless, they believe they should. Violence does not stem from a psychopathic lack of morality. Quite the reverse: it comes from the exercise of perceived moral rights and obligations.


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