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Come si vive a Città del Capo con pochissima acqua [EN]

Come si vive a Città del Capo con pochissima acqua [EN]

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A cura di @Guglielma Bon.

Come si vive con 50 litri d’acqua al giorno? Come impatta una gravissima siccità una grande città? Ne parla questo articolo di The Atlantic:

In June, taps are set to run dry—an event referred to, menacingly, as “Day Zero.” If it comes, people will be forced to queue for a daily ration of water from guarded collection points around the city.

It seemed too nightmarish to be plausible. I spent a few months in Cape Town during the southern hemisphere’s wintertime in 2010. I remembered the place as being both relatively well managed—the country hosted the World Cup while I was there—and, well, pretty rainy.

As I collected my bags, I wondered whether the laid-back, visually striking city I remembered had turned into some sort of apocalyptic hellscape out of Mad Max.

Not quite, I discovered. Or at least, not for tourists.

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