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Cosa intendiamo per libertà di parola [EN]

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A cura di @Guglielma Bon.

È giusto porre dei limiti alla libertà di parola? Esistono concetti che è meglio non vengano mai espressi? E fino a dove si deve/può spingere il limite tra censura e libertà di parola?

Ne parla questo articolo dell’Atlantic con un’analisi che parte da due parole in greco antico:

The reason that appeals to the First Amendment cannot decide these campus controversies is because there is a more fundamental conflict between two, very different concepts of free speech at stake. The conflict between what the ancient Greeks called isegoria, on the one hand, and parrhesia, on the other, is as old as democracy itself. Today, both terms are often translated as “freedom of speech,” but their meanings were and are importantly distinct. In ancient Athens, isegoriadescribed the equal right of citizens to participate in public debate in the democratic assembly; parrhesia, the license to say what one pleased, how and when one pleased, and to whom.


Immagine da pixabay.

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