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Drugs policies and electronic music culture [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Domenico Scarlatti detto Mimì.

Un lungo articolo che affronta la delicata questione dell’uso di sostanze stupefacenti durante party di musica elettronica/techno. Si analizzano in dettaglio tre livelli d’azione: «government drugs policies; the interventions of non-government actors like promoters, researchers and educators; and the experiences of partygoers trying to have fun and enjoy music under shifting conditions».

Whether we realise it or not, nightclubs are the battleground for a deeply complex social and political issue. In his latest extended feature, Luis-Manuel Garcia looks at the enormous challenges that governments, promoters, educators, researchers and clubbers face in relation to drugs.


Immagine by Unterstrichmoepunterstrich CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons

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