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Emily Brontë e gli adattamenti cinematografici di Cime tempestose [EN]

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A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Un articolo pubblicato su The Conversation critica l’immagine mitizzata della scrittrice inglese Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848) e le trasposizioni cinematografiche del suo capolavoro, Wuthering Heights (Cime tempestose), considerando quest’ultime distorte e infarcite di un romanticismo che il celebre romanzo non sembra affatto trasudare. L’autrice del pezzo, Hila Shachar, sostiene inoltre quanto fosse difficile per una donna, ai tempi delle sorelle Brontë, fare la scrittrice.

With their fierce, independent heroines, brooding anti-heroes and all sorts of dastardly plots, it’s no surprise the Brontë sisters and their novels occupy a special place in screen adaptations of literature. Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847) tends to attract different kinds of film and TV adaptations to the usual polite drawing-room dramas. This is partly because Wuthering Heights is a brutal novel, despite all the romance associated with it. But it’s also down to how Brontë is remembered as an author. In this, her bicentenary year, her enduring appeal as a romanticised figure is much discussed.

Immagine da Wikimedia.


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