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Fuck Work [EN]

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A cura di @namelotron.

Il lavoro non è solo come un modo per guadagnarsi da vivere ma per strutturare la vita quotidiana. Come si ri-organizza la società e la vita personale in un’epoca nella quale non ci sono lavori per tutti? Fuck work.

These days, everybody from Left to Right [..] addresses this breakdown of the labour market by advocating ‘full employment’, as if having a job is self-evidently a good thing, no matter how dangerous, demanding or demeaning it is. But ‘full employment’ is not the way to restore our faith in hard work, or in playing by the rules, or in whatever else sounds good. [..] Shitty jobs for everyone won’t solve any social problems we now face.

La domanda se la pone (anche) lo storico James Livingston mostrando come la fine del mito della piena occupazione stia mettendo in discussione la relazione tra produrre e esistere.

So the impending end of work raises the most fundamental questions about what it means to be human. To begin with, what purposes could we choose if the job – economic necessity – didn’t consume most of our waking hours and creative energies? What evident yet unknown possibilities would then appear? How would human nature itself change as the ancient, aristocratic privilege of leisure becomes the birthright of human beings as such?


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