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Il cervello delle donne è più attivo di quello degli uomini [EN]

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A cura di @011 (modificato).

In questo articolo del Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, viene riassunta la più grande ricerca sulle differenze cerebrali fra femmine e maschi mai fatta finora, comparando 46034 SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography). Oltre agli aspetti relativi all’Alzheimer, la ricerca ha individuato notevoli differenze fra i due sessi, riguardo a quali aree del cervello risultano più attive e quanto:

The brains of women in the study were significantly more active in many more areas of the brain than men, especially in the prefrontal cortex, involved with focus and impulse control, and the limbic or emotional areas of the brain, involved with mood and anxiety. The visual and coordination centers of the brain were more active in men. SPECT can measure blood perfusion in the brain. Images acquired from subjects at rest or while performing various cognitive tasks will show different blood flow in specific brain regions.

L’articolo parla inoltre di come queste differenze rendano uomini e donne vulnerabili in modo diverso a malattie, disturbi mentali, ansia e depressione.

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