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Il completo da uomo non è più popolare [EN]

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Secondo un articolo comparso su Vox, la percezione del completo da uomo e i messaggi che veicola sono ormai cambiati, da veicolo di eleganza e autorità, a uniforme di sottomissione e mancanza di potere.

When you’re in control, at least in relative control, from the C-suite down to the long rectangular table in the open-air office, you wear whatever you want, which is almost never a suit. It is the vest or bomber jacket for men, a blouse or a shell top for women. For people wealthy enough to attend wine country casual weddings, the male guests (and potentially the groom) can get by with light slacks and a button-down. At this year’s Oscars, the male celebrities who garnered the most headlines, like Chadwick Boseman, spurned suits for outfits that resembled dresses. JPMorgan lightened its dress code to business casual for most of its 237,000 employees in 2016. Goldman Sachs, the financial firm reputed to “rule the world,” nixed its suit requirement in March.

Immagine da Flickr.

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