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Il Metal in Iran [EN]

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A cura di @Quantus.

Al-Monitor racconta la scena metal in Iran, che tra restrizioni, parziali aperture e controllo statale.

Restrictions at concerts in Iran are still a far cry from international norms. At times, such restrictions run counter to the very foundations and liberating spirit of metal music. Concertgoers have to remain seated at all times and refrain from headbanging or making the horn sign. Concertgoers also avoid recording harsh and exuberant songs on their phones and posting them on social media. Performers, on the other hand, have to take care to not cross “red lines” in their lyrics, clothing and even lighting. Though this sounds restrictive, it is still progress from the days not too long ago when Iranians were arrested for having long hair or donning T-shirts with band logos.

Immagine da pxhere.

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