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Italy Is Safe From, and for, Jihadis

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Su suggerimento di @Giovanni.

In un articolo per Foreign Policy, Anna Momigliano spiega che, se l’Italia non ha finora subito attacchi terroristici di stampo jihadista, questo si deve non tanto a una più efficace opera di contrasto al terrorismo.

There’s a problem with crediting Italy’s tough-on-terrorism approach for the country’s relative safety: Plenty of known Italy-based jihadis have successfully mounted attacks elsewhere in Europe.

One of the three terrorists who carried out the 2017 London Bridge attack, for instance, was Italian. Youssef Zaghba, born in Morocco to an Italian mother and a Moroccan father, had lived in Bologna with his Italian family until 2016, and Italian authorities were aware of his radical sympathies: In early 2016, the police had prevented him from boarding a plane to Turkey, fearing he planned to join the Islamic State in Syria, but lacked enough evidence to jail him and, since he was a citizen, could not expel him.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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