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La femminilità tossica [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @gengiva.

In un articolo per Quillete, Heather E. Heying parte da alcuni aneddoti personali per parlare in modo più ampio della mascolinità tossica, che considera meno diffusa di quanto crederebbero alcuni, e avanzare la tesi di una corrispettiva femminilità tossica.

Women in their sexual prime who are anywhere near the beauty-norms for their culture have a kind of power that nobody else has. They are also all but certain to lack the wisdom to manage it. Toxic femininity is an abuse of that power, in which hotness is maximized, and victim status is then claimed when straight men don’t treat them as peers.

Creating hunger in men by actively inviting the male gaze, then demanding that men have no such hunger—that is toxic femininity. Subjugating men, emasculating them when they display strength—physical, intellectual, or other—that is toxic femininity. Insisting that men, simply by virtue of being men, are toxic, and then acting surprised as relationships between men and women become more strained—that is toxic femininity. It is a game, the benefits of which go to a few while the costs are shared by all of us.

Immagine da Flickr (Greta Ceresini -Lip Lop Rock).

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