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La rivincita delle periferie

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In un articolo pubblicato su The Atlantic (link alternativo), Ian Bogost riflette sul futuro post-pandemico delle aree urbane e suburbane statunitensi analizzando vantaggi e svantaggi del vivere nelle due diverse tipologie di spazi abitati – e potenzialmente abitabili – e discutendo, quindi, le rispettive caratteristiche architettoniche e organizzazioni territoriali.

Lucy Honeychurch grew up at Windy Corner, a comfortable estate in a polite enclave outside London. It was pleasant in the way suburbs always are: The neighbors were friendly, and the environment, free from the noise and grime of the city, was perfect for children. Her father, who had built the house, took pride in situating his family amid “the best society obtainable.”

Immagine da Flickr.


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