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La storia segreta dei cacciatori marxisti di alieni [EN]

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A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Un articolo pubblicato su The Outline indaga il rapporto tra ufologia e marxismo soffermandosi sulla figura del politico argentino Juan Romulo Posadas, dirigente della IV Internazionale trotskista e autore del pamphlet “Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind”.

In case you missed it — and there’s a lot of weird stuff going on, so it makes sense that some things would slip through the cracks — aliens exist. At least that’s what military officials and major politicians believe, according to a New York Times report from December that the Pentagon gave $22 million to aerospace research firms to investigate the UFO phenomenon. Much of that went to Robert Bigelow, a hotelier attempting to expand operations to space. Like Tom Delonge, the ex-Blink-182 guitarist who releases UFO videos and literature in an attempt to turn his To The Stars Academy corporation into a “perpetual funding machine”, he seeks to reverse-engineer UFO technology, and, in the process, give Ufology (the study of UFOs) a corporate makeover. While the “New Space Age” entrepreneurship of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Jeff Bezos have caught criticism from the labor advocates and the left, Bigelow’s privatized Area 51 and Delonge’s “Uber for UFOs” ambitions have flown under the radar.

Immagine: tomboud


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