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Una delle fabbriche di matite degli USA [EN]

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A cura di @GiMa (modificato).

Un articolo del New York Times ci porta all’interno di una delle ultime fabbriche di matite degli Stati Uniti, documentando con numerose foto un lavoro che se ne sta andando verso altri paesi:

Such radical simplicity is surprisingly complicated to produce. Since 1889, the General Pencil Company has been converting huge quantities of raw materials (wax, paint, cedar planks, graphite) into products you can find, neatly boxed and labeled, in art and office-supply stores across the nation: watercolor pencils, editing pencils, sticks of charcoal, pastel chalks. Even as other factories have chased higher profit margins overseas, General Pencil has stayed put, cranking out thousands upon thousands of writing instruments in the middle of Jersey City.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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