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L’entusiamo del NYT per Mario Draghi [EN]

L’entusiamo del NYT per Mario Draghi [EN]

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Il NYT (link alternativo) ripercorre la politica estera di Draghi, in particolare per quanto riguarda pandemia e vaccini, tracciandone  un quadro lusinghiero.

The new prime minister is leveraging his European relationships and his solid reputation to make Italy a force on the continent in a way it has not been in decades. […]

In his short time in office — he took power in February after a political crisis — Mr. Draghi has quickly leveraged his European relationships, his skill in navigating E.U. institutions and his nearly messianic reputation to make Italy a player on the continent in a way it has not been in decades.

With his friend Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany leaving office in September, President Emmanuel Macron of France facing tough elections next year and the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, struggling to demonstrate competence, Mr. Draghi is poised to fill a leadership vacuum in Europe.

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