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Come il mondo arabo è andato in pezzi

Come il mondo arabo è andato in pezzi

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Su suggerimento di @MostroDeiBiscotti

Il New York Times Magazine ha dedicato un intero numero al Medio Oriente. Il lunghissimo reportage, frutto di 18 mesi di lavoro, racconta la crisi del mondo arabo, dal 2003, anno dell’invasione americana dell’Iraq, fino a oggi, attraverso gli occhi di sei persone le cui vite sono cambiate per sempre.

The six are from different regions, different cities, different tribes, different families, but they share, along with millions of other people in and from the Middle East, an experience of profound unraveling. Their lives have been forever altered by upheavals that began in 2003 with the American invasion of Iraq, and then accelerated with the series of revolutions and insurrections that have collectively become known in the West as the Arab Spring. They continue today with the depredations of ISIS, with terrorist attacks and with failing states.

For each of these six people, the upheavals were crystallized by a specific, singular event. […] As disparate as those moments were, for each of these six people
they represented a crossing over, passage to a place from which there will never be a return. Such changes, of course — multiplied by millions of lives — are also
transforming their homelands, the greater Middle East and, by inevitable extension, the entire world.

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