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Hong Kong e il nazionalismo cinese [EN]

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In un articolo per il New York Times (link alternativo), una giornalista cinese passata attraverso il sistema educativo della Repubblica Popolare e oggi residente all’estero, spiega come per chi vive fuori dalla Cina sia difficile percepire con che durezza i cinesi siano ostili alle proteste di Hong Kong. Il PCC, spiega l’autrice, ha coltivato per decenni il nazionalismo cinese, che ora risulta estremamente utile.

Hong Kong’s protests have disrupted Yang Yang’s family life. Though the 29-year-old lives in mainland China, he was inspired by the demonstrations to write a song about freedom and upload it to the internet. When censors deleted it, he complained to his family.

They weren’t sympathetic. “How can you support Hong Kong separatists?” they asked. “How can you be anti-China?” His mother threatened to disown him. Before Mr. Yang left on a trip to Japan in August, his father said he hoped his son would die there.

Immagine da Flickr.

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